The Drilling Technical College (Bohrmeisterschule) was founded in 1937 for the training of supervisors for the prospecting and the recovery of crude oil and gas through drilling. It has been recognized and approved by the German state as an independent College. The Bergschulverein e.V., which is directly responsible for the College, is maintained and guided by representatives from ten member companies in the fields of exploration and production of crude oil and gas.

The courses: Drilling, Production and Underground Storage Technology provide participants with the necessary knowledge and capability as detailed in the national mining laws. Successful participants can anticipate being eligible for posts in companies which are subject to the supervision and control of national authorities.

In addition the Drilling Technical College is a central pre-service and in-service training institution for the German and international crude oil and gas industry for various certificates and qualifications in accordance with BBergG, IWCF, DVGW and K-UGS.